NextJS 13 Authentication With NextAuth.js And Prisma

Hi guys, in today's post, we will be focusing on authentication with the new App Router in Next.js 13. Since version 13....

Vanilla GraphQL With NodeJS And PostgreSQL - Session & Authorization

In the previous post, we have gone through a long long journey to rewrite our app to use PostgreSQL. Today, we will get ...

Vanilla GraphQL With NodeJS And PostgreSQL - Adding Database

In today's post, we will replace the in-memory database with a real one that is used a lot in production: PostgreSQL. We...

Vanilla GraphQL With NodeJS And PostgreSQL - Refactoring

In the previous post, we already set up the application with a GraphQL server. I told you guys that in this post, we wil...

Vanilla GraphQL With NodeJS And PostgreSQL - Setting Up Application

In this post and the next coming one, I would like to walk you through a journey to fire up GraphQL without its fancy fr...